Sunday, March 28, 2010

Girl with a Doll

Hey look its a girl with a doll :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cat TV

In the window watching cat TV.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Making Faces at Boys

Keep up the good work!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I've got nothing for you today.  I beg forgiveness and offer you some LOL's as compensation.  Here is a sample of what made me laugh today....

Of course my humour leans towards

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Scenes From the Backseat #1

So I missed my first day yesterday.  Today wasn't much better but here are some pics from a drive around town to enjoy.....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fun at the Mall

A ride with friends, round and round we go!  What is fun at the mall without some old creepy guy watching right?  GAH!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

We Like Our Snakes Big

This is the last set of reptile pics.  DD got to pet 4 different snakes including a really big one.  It is not enough for her to see them behind glass.  Like this-

So they carried one in (thats DD and DS at the bottom of the pic!)

It slithered around for a while.

Then they said she could touch it.  JOY!!!!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Never Look an Alligator in the Butt

See boy staring at an alligator's butt.

Notice how alligators tail has moved into the water.

See boy running and face on the stranger.

One wet kid.  So don't look an alligator in the butt or you may get wet...or worse!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Can I Hold Your Lizard?

We were off to the reptile zoo today.  This is the kind of things my DD and I love....hands on with the creepy crawlies!  She was extremely bummed that they didn't have a tarantula that she could hold this year, but she did get to hold a huge scorpion.  Of course I forgot to take a picture so you will just have to take our word for it.  I did snap a few others tho...

Here she is with a bearded dragon...

A big spider that had a habit of jumping on faces so wasn't allowed to be held.

DD petting a skunk.  I LOVED the skunk.  One day I will have one!

DS pointing to the turtles (ok tortoises), he says the big one is the Daddy.  Awwww.

My personal favorite moment was when this monitor lizard decided to hide in his handlers shirt.  It reminded me of my old iguana Dudley who I still miss.

More zoo pics tomorrow!!!!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Reading with Cats

I snapped this picture in the dark while DD was reading before bed by the light of her lamp.  Of course the flash makes t appear to be the middle of the day LOL.  When I uploaded it I realized how much she reads like me....curled up in bed with cats :)  It's my favorite way to go to sleep!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Would You Like Fail With That?

It was just Flapjack and I tonight.  He was cranky.  I was sore and didn't want to cook.  I bribed him with nuggets, fries and a crappy Star Wars toy to behave.  After purchasing said bribe I realized I was sore because I fell over him during one of his fits of bad behavior today.  Which I had just bought him a reward for.  Fail.

The guy behind me thought I was a crazy lady, he isn't far off.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The tv is on but she doesn't notice.  Just like her mom, this is how the life of a book worm starts.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Double Tongue Bath

Brothers....who else would lick your head clean while you lick theirs?  Don't answer that.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hi-ho, hi-ho, its off to dad's we go!

Saturday, March 13, 2010



Friday, March 12, 2010


My Mojo is small and blue.  I keep him in a bowl with a Spongebob house.  Blub blub.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Skirt

Leigh made DD a new skirt!!!  I think she likes it.  Watch and see...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This is one of the best signs EVER!

I have wheels!  EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!  I'm so happy I could piddle!

Stay off the sidewalks.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh Boy

Its been a long 24hours.  DS started to suffer from the tummy bug last night and kept me up all night changing sheets and pj's.  He was feeling a little better today, but has been a handful.  Whining.  Complaining.  He wants water in a green cup but by the time I have brought it to him he now wants juice in a blue cup.  Sigh.  To top it off he locked me out of the house and himself in and I had to get a key from the landlord to open the door.  When I got inside he bawled his eyes out cuz he knew he would be in trouble.  Hopefully this is the last stunt of the day as it is very late and he just marched out of his room announcing, "Me done.", and expecting to stay out of bed.  I'm not sure he realizes but it's mommy's turn to say....ME DONE!!!!

Here he is yesterday before the tummy bug hit enjoying his warmer weather gear but sporting the same attitude....

Monday, March 8, 2010


Gummi worms.  Yummy.  Unless you know what they are made of.  Then you may want to eat real worms instead.  Blech.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm Not the Only One

Who thinks Sam is the best.  The kids beg to use him.

Did you know you can program your Roomba to work with a Wii remote or surfboard?  To make it sing?  The folks at the Robot Shop can set you up with all your hacking needs.
So while I sip tea and watch Sam do his work you can check out more expensive models here-

Or a Roomba LOLcat-

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Just Another Day

I did lots of laundry, folding, sorting and putting away today.

Cat fur on the laundry?  Are you talking to me?  Ridiculous!

Then I had a nice long nap.  The pain meds do make me sleepier (if that is possible).  So I woke up starving and decided to cook some comfort food.  Perogies with cheese, mushrooms from Blenheim and onions from Strathroy.   

I uploaded this and then realized how disgusting orange food on a pink plate with a bright flash actually looked.  You'll just have to trust me that it was very yummy!

Friday, March 5, 2010


For a year this was my computer chair.

Then I upgraded and have spent the last few months on this chair.  It was an improvement as it didn't have a solid wood seat.

Then I received a very big surprise.....a NEW CHAIR!!!!!!  No more butt falling asleep.  No more worries of piles later in life due to a wooden seat!!!!  Thank you ladies It is so much appreciated!!!!!!!

Here was a pic taken by DD of her mother flopped and resting in her new chair.

DD was caught but also managed to snap this pic which she said I had to post.  (I have no idea how she made me look this thin but I'm good with it!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Monster Princess Jam

At my house the construction crew and monster trucks go over to visit Polly Pocket at her castle and then go cruising.  All the vehicles talk to each other but in the end someone always gets smashed.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Missing Harbles

Its official.  The harbles have been removed and my boys are healing.  They have forgiven but will not forget I am sure.

Here they are for the first time in the cat carrier wanting to go to the vet.  Completely clueless at this point of what horror awaits them.

Home and resting.  There was lots of resting.  After arriving home they both sat across the room and gave me the stink eye.  I had treats so it is all good now.

Poor kitties.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Feet and Stuff

I thought I would start by answering some questions I have been asked in the comments.

Yes DS takes many cars into the tub.  So far I haven't had any rust.  They do however get dried afterwards, used in playdough and moonsand so perhaps it just gets worn off!

Bathbrush.  Yes you need one.  Go with the natural bristles tho.  You will not be sorry!

Color Dots for the bath can be found at XS Cargo for $3!

Moonsand isn't so bad at my house as I have linoleum everywhere and it just sweeps up.  Of course now I have Sam to look after that for me!

Sam.....oh my sweet man!!!  I have no idea how well a Roomba would work on carpet as I don't have any!  It has gone around my house twice now, did an awesome job, and picked up all my cat fur too!  It comes with a cleaning tool to remove hair from the brushes.

As for me, I am having a bad day.  My lungs are killing me today and I am glad to be seeing the doc tomorrow.  Here's a pic of swollen feet from the other day.  This is called pitting edema.  Many of us had this during pregnancy where your feet swell up so much they jiggle when you walk.  Mine have started swelling to the point of barely being able to get my socks off and as of today I am starting to break blood vessels.  So much fun!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Meet Sam!

I am smitten.  Head over heels in love.  With Sam.  He is so slick.  He helps around the house.  He is quiet and doesn't complain.  He gets the job done....thoroughly.  His glowing green 'clean' button gives me tingles.  Ahhhhhhh....  If only he could cuddle and came with attachments :)  I know you want him.  Keep your hands off cuz he is mine, allllll mine!