Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Feet and Stuff

I thought I would start by answering some questions I have been asked in the comments.

Yes DS takes many cars into the tub.  So far I haven't had any rust.  They do however get dried afterwards, used in playdough and moonsand so perhaps it just gets worn off!

Bathbrush.  Yes you need one.  Go with the natural bristles tho.  You will not be sorry!

Color Dots for the bath can be found at XS Cargo for $3!

Moonsand isn't so bad at my house as I have linoleum everywhere and it just sweeps up.  Of course now I have Sam to look after that for me!

Sam.....oh my sweet man!!!  I have no idea how well a Roomba would work on carpet as I don't have any!  It has gone around my house twice now, did an awesome job, and picked up all my cat fur too!  It comes with a cleaning tool to remove hair from the brushes.

As for me, I am having a bad day.  My lungs are killing me today and I am glad to be seeing the doc tomorrow.  Here's a pic of swollen feet from the other day.  This is called pitting edema.  Many of us had this during pregnancy where your feet swell up so much they jiggle when you walk.  Mine have started swelling to the point of barely being able to get my socks off and as of today I am starting to break blood vessels.  So much fun!

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