Monday, March 22, 2010

Fun at the Mall

A ride with friends, round and round we go!  What is fun at the mall without some old creepy guy watching right?  GAH!


LJ said...

Cute pic! Please don't tell my youngest that rides at the mall actually move. ;)

Pancake said...

I promise to keep your secret! DS wanted to ride the Spiderman helicopter. it was broken. So I strapped him in and shook it. He was thrilled!

MilesToGo said...

lol re: rides that don't move;) I was part of that conspiracy once, too. I was so disappointed the day a 'kind' stranger offered the kids loonies to make the rides go. Sigh.

Luckily later in life J became terrified of them if they move, so S is content to just pretend, most of the time. whew! dodged that one.