Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh Boy

Its been a long 24hours.  DS started to suffer from the tummy bug last night and kept me up all night changing sheets and pj's.  He was feeling a little better today, but has been a handful.  Whining.  Complaining.  He wants water in a green cup but by the time I have brought it to him he now wants juice in a blue cup.  Sigh.  To top it off he locked me out of the house and himself in and I had to get a key from the landlord to open the door.  When I got inside he bawled his eyes out cuz he knew he would be in trouble.  Hopefully this is the last stunt of the day as it is very late and he just marched out of his room announcing, "Me done.", and expecting to stay out of bed.  I'm not sure he realizes but it's mommy's turn to say....ME DONE!!!!

Here he is yesterday before the tummy bug hit enjoying his warmer weather gear but sporting the same attitude....


MilesToGo said...

Does he haul the empty wagon to and from school every day? If so, that's just adorable! My daughter would do that if I let her.But my wagon is too heavy to lift up and down the stairs and we don't walk to any schools ;) so she is not lucky enough for that.

Pancake said...

Yes he hauls it everywhere. He hauls his sisters backpack home, and sometimes his sister too! He brings library books back and forth in it, groceries and any other shopping. Thats about the only part I will miss now that I have wheels!!!! I will not miss when they both get tired and I have to pull them and the groceries home tho...

Indigo365 said...

He is so cute :) Poor little guy (and you!) I hope he's feeling better now?
I love the hat :)